HTML Typography

This tutorial page features all the typography available with the template, showcasing them in HTML form.

This is a ComponentHeading
This is a Contentheading

This is an H1 Header

This is an H2 Header

This is an H3 Header

This is an H4 Header

This is an H5 Header


Notice Styles are shown below

This is a sample of the 'attention' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="attention">....</span> This is a sample of the 'notice' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="notice">....</span> This is a sample of the 'alert' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="alert">....</span> This is a sample of the 'download' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="download">....</span> This is a sample of the 'approved' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="approved">....</span> This is a sample of the 'media' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="media">....</span> This is a sample of the 'note' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="note">....</span> This is a sample of the 'cart' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="cart">....</span> This is a sample of the 'camera' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="camera">....</span> This is a sample of the 'doc' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="doc">....</span>

This is a sample <pre>...</pre> tag:

div.modulebox-black div.bx1 {
  background: url(../images/black/box_bl.png) 0 100% no-repeat; 

div.modulebox-black div.bx2 {
  background: url(../images/black/box_tr.png) 100% 0 no-repeat;

div.modulebox-black div.bx3 {
  background: url(../images/black/box_tl.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;


Blockquote Styles

This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote>....</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="blue">...</blockquote> Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="red">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="green">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="purple">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="orange">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="brown">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="grey">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

List Styles - Bullets

Below is a list with bullets. To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="class name"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>

  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-1"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-2"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-3"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-4"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-5"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-6"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-7"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-8"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.

List Styles - Special Icons

Below is a list with special icons. To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="class name"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>

  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="special-1"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-2"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-3"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-4"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-5"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-6"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-7"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-8"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-9"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-10"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-11"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-12"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-13"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class=" special-14"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.

Span Styles - Number

Below is a list with number. To use this style create a list in the following format: <span class="number-[color2]">1[any number]</span>

1To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number">1</span>....some content....</p>

2To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number">2</span>....some content....</p>

3To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number">3</span>....some content....</p>


1To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-red">1</span>....some content....</p>

2To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-blue">2</span>....some content....</p>

3To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-green">3</span>....some content....</p>


1To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-purple">1</span>....some content....</p>

2To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-orange">2</span>....some content....</p>

3To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-brown">3</span>....some content....</p>

4To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-grey">3</span>....some content....</p>

Highlight Styles

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-red">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-blue">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-green">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-orange">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-brown">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-purple">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-grey">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-bold">...</span>

Inset Styles

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.You will need to use the following formatting: <span class="inset-right">...some content...</span>Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.You will need to use the following formatting: <span class="inset-left">...some content...</span>Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


DropCap Styles

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-red">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-blue">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-green">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-purple">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-orange">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-brown">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-grey">P</span></p>

Important Emphasis Styles

Sample Title This is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important"><span class="important-title">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-blue"><span class="important-title-blue">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-red"><span class="important-title-red">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-green"><span class="important-title-green">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-purple"><span class="important-title-purple">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-brown"><span class="important-title-brown">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-orange"><span class="important-title-orange">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>


Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-grey"><span class="important-title-grey">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>